Monday, December 3, 2012

Kids Christmas Ideas

I've been struggling with good present ideas this year for Christmas.  My little girl is really getting the short end of the stick this year.  With having a daycare I already have a million toys and I don't think I need to add much more at the time.  I have good ideas for my boys and they have already been taken care of.  I need better ideas for a 14 month old girl.  Are there any new "must have" toys out there that I haven't seen yet?  She has a couple cheap gifts like silly pillows and a Hello Kitty doll but that's it.  Any ideas would be much appreciated.

I also need good ideas for all of my daycare kids.  They range in age from 8 years old to 10 months.  I have a lot of kids and need cheap ideas that aren't just junk.  Last year they all got stuffed animals of some sort and they all loved them.  They were surprisingly well made considering they are all still used and remain intact.  Again, any ideas are welcome!!

1 comment:

  1. For your daughter I think a rockin rider pony would be a great gift or a mini trampoline. I think it helps to have a toy that helps them release some energy during the winter months :)
