Monday, December 3, 2012

Birthday Boy

Today was my oldest son's 5th birthday!!!  I can't believe how fast the time flies.  I began doing daycare when he was only 6 weeks old.  It's hard to believe that he has grown from such a tiny baby to the "big" kid that he is now.  He's busy with attending 2 preschools to prepare him for kindergarten next year.  He has been a great role model for the other daycare kids and he is a great joy to have around. 

He had a great time handing out his birthday treats at school and loved all the attention he got while wearing his crown.  The other daycare kids loved singing a beautiful rendition of "Happy Birthday" and got to indulge in some much loved brownies.  It was definitely a good day!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is 5 either! I feel like he was just a little guy when I first met him. Crazy that he'll be coming to kindergarten next year...!!
